Saturday, October 14, 2023

The Gerry Mulligan Reader

 The Gerry Mulligan Reader published over the weekend as a paperback and eBook on

Here's a link for order information -

After the initial publication costs are met, 50% of all proceeds will be donated to The Gerry Mulligan Foundation to buy musical instruments for individual students and school music programs.

One early reader wrote:


WONDERFUL. I have only read the introduction thus far, but I wanted to tell you, that I can see that this book is just what I was expecting, and I believe that it will fill a huge void in understanding - and appreciating - Gerry Mulligan.

Whilst I have enjoyed (to a degree) all the books previously published about Gerry, I do not believe that any of them, bar perhaps Alyn Shipton's recent publication, have come anywhere near addressing Mulligan's real significance in jazz history.

I think you have achieved something special in pulling this together. I thank you.

I hope you make a fortune - both for the Foundation and for yourself. (I have already persuaded a good friend to purchase this book and will try with others I know).

Congratulations, and above all thanks.

I now look forward to months of careful reading (probably with Mulligan playing in the background....)"

I hope you’ll consider purchasing a copy and supporting our efforts to memorialize Gerry and to help further his mission to bring the healing gift of music into the lives of students through his Foundation.

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