Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Now Available - A Dave Brubeck Reader, Volume 1 - 1948 to 1972 By Steven A. Cerra

 Copyright ® Steven Cerra, copyright protected; all rights reserved.

Should you like to purchase a copy, here’s the Table of Contents for - A Dave Brubeck Reader, Volume 1 - 1948 to 1972 which is now available as a paperback and an eBook exclusively on Amazon.com.

Once the cost of publication has been met, I am donating half of my royalties to the local school district for use toward the purchase of musical instruments for individual students.

Introduction, pp. 7-9

Prologue - Dave Brubeck: A Life in American Music by Doug Ramsey, pp. 10-35

Chapter 1 - “Time to Begin” by Fred M. Hall, pp. 36-43

Chapter 2. The Dave Brubeck Octet by Dave Brubeck and Dr. Frank Tirro, pp. 44-51

Chapter 3. The Dave Brubeck Octet: A Formula and A Dilemma by Raymond Horricks, pp. 52-57

Chapter 4. The Dave Brubeck Octet by Philip Clark, pp. 58-70

Chapter 5. Cal Tjader and The Dave Brubeck Octet and Trio by S. Duncan Reid, pp. 71-78 

Chapter 6. The Complete Storyville Broadcasts - Jason Yale, pp. 79-83

Chapter 7. The Formative Years of the Dave Brubeck Quartet by Philip Elwood, 

pp. 84-94

Chapter 8. Brubeck at Oberlin, A Review of the Jazz Literature by Steven A. Cerra, pp. 95-104.

Chapter 9. 1954 Jazz at College of the Pacific and Jazz Goes to College - Wayne Morrill, Katie Neubauer and George Avakian, pp. 105-114

Chapter 10. The Early Years at Columbia Records and Brubeck Time by Stephen Crist, pp. 115-120

Chapter 11. Dave Brubeck Answers His Critics - Don Freeman DB 8.10.1955, pp. 121-123

Chapter 12. Ralph J. Gleason - “Dave Brubeck: What Makes Him Tick,” DB 7.25.1957, pp. 124-130

Chapter 13. Ralph J. Gleason - Dave Brubeck: 'They Said I Was Too Far Out' DB 8. 8. 1957, pp. 131-137

Chapter 14. Ralph J. Gleason - Dave Brubeck: First Things First, DB 9.5.1957, pp. 138-145

Chapter 15. The Quartet from These Jazzmen of Our Times  by Raymond Horricks, pp. 146-152 

Chapter 16. Jazz Impressions of the U.S.A. and Dave Digs Disney by Philip Clark, pp. 153-159

Chapter 17. Jazz Impressions of Dave Brubeck by Steven A. Cerra and Howard Mandel, 160-166

Chapter 18. Digging Dave Brubeck and Time Out - Alan Goldscher, pp. 167-182

Chapter 19. Metrical Experimentation from "Dave Brubeck's Time Out" by Stephen Crist, pp. 183-189

Chapter 20. Dave Brubeck’s Time Out: Why It’s So Great - Kile Smith, pp. 190-192

Chapter 21. Dave Brubeck - Beyond Take Five - John Edward Hasse, pp. 193-196

Chapter 22. Dave Brubeck and Stan Kenton: Alike and Unalike by Harry Frost, pp. 197-200

Chapter 23. Pops - Dave and Iola Brubeck - The Real Ambassadors by Steven A. Cerra and Ricky Riccardi, pp. 201-210

Chapter 24. The Real Ambassadors by Penny M. von Eschen, pp. 211-218

Chapter 25. The Real Ambassadors by Keith Hatschek, pp. 219-225

Chapter 26. Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Glasser - Gary Giddins, pp. 226-228

Chapter 27. Beyond Time Out - The Undiscovered Dave Brubeck by Steven A. Cerra, 229-237

Chapter 28. Dave Brubeck, Composer, by Leonard Feather, pp. 238-244

Chapter 29. A Quartet of Five (Dave Brubeck) by Gary Giddins, pp. 245-249 

Chapter 30. Dave Brubeck: The Man on the Buffalo Nickel - Gene Lees, pp. 250-268

Chapter 31. Compadres with Brubeck and Mulligan - Jerome Klinkowitz, pp. 269-278

Chapter 32. “A Quarter Century Young: The Dave Brubeck Quartet,” Arnold J. Smith, DB March 25,1976, pp. 279-288

Epilogue - Dave Brubeck: The Smithsonian Oral History Program NEA Jazz Masters Interviews, pp. 289-352

Bibliography, pp. 353-360

Discography, pp. 361-364 

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